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What Is The Best Vision Insurance For My Family?

If you are exploring your options for vision insurance, chances are, you have been deciding other healthcare questions as well. While vision insurance is often overlooked, it plays a critical part in your family’s overall well-being.

Although it isn’t usually the most comprehensive set of benefits, vision insurance helps to reduce costs for preventative eye care. Unlike other forms of healthcare, which often give unlimited care and services after co-pays and deductibles are met, vision care operates more like a discount price list.

What Does Vision Insurance Cover?

Vision insurance covers things like eye exams and prescription lenses (and contacts). To a lesser extent, sometimes vision insurance will even give discounts towards corrective surgeries like LASIK. Obviously, plans differ, so make sure you read the coverage limits carefully.

Are Dental and Vision Insurance Covered By The Same Providers?

Along with vision care, dental care is frequently treated as an ancillary coverage by most employer sponsored healthcare plans. Because of this, some people wonder if the two coverages can be had through the same providers.

In most cases, the answer is no. Although dental insurance operates in similar fashion (more like a discount card than a true insurance provider), they are separate networks that operate with different physicians and administrators. It’s best to treat each one accordingly, rather than try to bundle the two together.

Do I Need Vision Care For My Family?

If you have family members that already have corrective lenses or declining eyesight, vision care is a no-brainer. Even if you don’t however, one of the nice things about vision care is that it is relatively inexpensive. For a very small investment each month, you can extend the benefit of regular vision exams, and proactively maintain your family’s eye care.

Not Sure If You Need Vision Care? Our Consultants Can Help!

If you are on the fence about vision care, our consultants are happy to help. With just a brief conversation, they can give you their recommendation about your family’s best course of action with vision care.

While you’re talking to them, you can also receive their expert advice on your family’s best overall healthcare options, in order to create a more holistic picture of your family’s healthcare.

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