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How Do I Sign Up for Obamacare?

Signing up for Obamacare is a simple process and there are two main ways you can do this. You can go directly to the online Marketplace and search for the best insurance plan for you and your family. Once you’ve decided on your plan, you will be guided through the online application process.

If you need personal assistance, calling an insurance broker may be your best option. Our agents will answer any questions you have and will help you to choose the best Obamacare plan for your circumstances. Insurance agents and brokers are often aware of the factors you may not have considered yet.

Benefits of Signing Up for Obamacare Include:

Individualized health insurance plans and peace of mind that your family is covered for medical emergencies Quick and easy application process Less time off school and work due to illness

What Is Obamacare Health Insurance?

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 ensures that everyone has access to relevant and personalized health insurance plans. The packages available under Obamacare health insurance range in price and coverage but there is something to suit every family and budget. You can research options yourself at healthcare.gov or you can seek help from an insurance brokerage.

Under Obamacare, basic insurance packages must cover outpatient care, hospitalization, mental health treatment, pediatric care, chronic disease management, and prescriptions drugs. Emergency room services, maternity and newborn care, preventive care, wellness visits, and lab care must also be included.

Benefits of Obamacare Health Insurance Include:

Children can be added to their parent’s plan until they reach 26 years of age Insurance companies can’t exclude people who have pre-existing conditions Prescription drugs are often cheaper due to partial subsidization

When is Obamacare Open Enrollment for 2018?

Open Enrollment for the year 2018 officially closed on December 15, 2017. However, you can still enroll for Obamacare under certain circumstances. A Marketplace health insurance plan may be available for you if you qualify and you may have the option of applying under a job-based plan. Open Enrollment for 2019 begins on November 1, 2018 and ends on December 15, 2018.

Certain life events like getting married, losing another health coverage for some reason, or having a baby may mean you are eligible to apply outside the open enrollment period. There are strict criteria around this, so you do need to check with an insurance broker to see if you apply. You’re able to apply for Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) at any time during the year.

Benefits of Obamacare Open Enrollment Include:

Sign up is an easy and streamlined process Can apply outside of open enrollment under certain criteria Able to apply for Children’s health insurance program at any time

Do I Have to Apply for Obamacare Health Insurance?

In 2018, it is still compulsory to have Obamacare health insurance unless you are eligible for exemption under hardship or employment packages. From 2019, it will no longer be compulsory to have health insurance, however it is still advisable for your peace of mind.

Purchasing heath insurance means you can receive medical and dental care whenever you need it. With some Obamacare healthcare insurance packages, you’re covered for preventative healthcare as well. There are packages to suit every budget and our insurance agents can help ensure that you have enough – but not too much – coverage for your situation.

Benefits of Applying for Obamacare Health Insurance Include:

Peace of mind and confidence that you can see a doctor when you need to Budget-friendly costs and monthly premiums Ability to mix and match cover to suit your needs

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