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Do You Have Your Personal Dental Plan Ready?

If you’ve ever had toothache, you’ll know that there are very few things in this world that are more painful. It wouldn’t be so bad if the pain stayed in your tooth, but it tends to travel across your jaw and down your neck.

A personal dental plan can ease the pain of the Dentist’s bill, after they’ve eased the pain of your tooth.

When you begin your search for an individual or personal dental plan it can be daunting as there’s a wide range of providers and plans available. As you get older your dental and oral care needs will change so it’s a good idea to purchase a plan that’s flexible in what it covers and when.

You need a plan that you can use as soon as you need it and one that includes 6-monthly cleanings. You also want to check that you’re covered for tooth decay treatments such as root canals, dental fillings and tooth scaling.

Benefits of a Personal Dental Plan Include:

Peace of mind and the knowledge that you can visit your Dentist regularly to maintain healthy teeth and gums Regular dental visits will lessen the risk of toothache Quick and easy application process

Why Is It Important to Have Private Dental Insurance?

The cost of dental care continues to rise each year and often it’s something that many people don’t think about until they or a family member are suddenly confronted with the agonizing pain of toothache.

However, prevention is always better than cure and having private dental insurance means that you can visit your Dentist regularly and avoid costly bills for emergency treatment.

There are three main types of dental insurance, Indemnity, DHMO (dental health maintenance organization), and PPO (preferred provider organization).

Indemnity insurance plans provide high coverage options but also come with high premiums. DHMO insurance offer low premiums, however these plans don’t always include preventative treatments. With DHMO you are also restricted to using an approved Dentist. PPO insurance can be used with almost any Dentist and offer a good range of preventative care.

Benefits of Private Dental Insurance Plans Include:

Preventative treatments and visits will reduce the risk of tooth decay and gum disease Individualized plans with annual caps and a wide range of treatments Ability to choose which Dentist to visit

Do You Have Your Personal Dental Plan Ready?

DHMO (dental health maintenance organization) is the most affordable option for dental insurance.

The Dentists that work under this system are paid fixed fees every month. This means that if you have DHMO dental insurance your visits will be free or greatly reduced. In some cases, you will need to pay a small amount, depending on what kind of treatment you need.

There’s no waiting period for treatment with a DHMO plan and many people buy this cheap insurance, so they can receive treatment right away.

It’s a good idea to check your DHMO policy carefully as it won’t cover any treatment that is not spelled out in the policy. You should also be aware that a limited number of Dentists work with this cover and that will have a direct impact on waiting lists.

Benefits of DHMO include:

Highly affordable You’re told how much your treatment will be before it begins Can get your initial appointment quickly after signing up

What Does Full Coverage Dental Insurance Cover?

The best advice is to always check your policy and contract before signing it as full coverage can mean different things to different companies. Full coverage is also known as Indemnity insurance, and sometimes as a fee-for-service plan.

Not surprisingly, indemnity insurance is usually the most expensive dental insurance plan, but you do get the most coverage. A plan that is capped at $2,500 will cost around $780 per year and you can choose your own Dentist. You can also use supplemental dental savings plans to boost your cover.

Benefits of Full Coverage Dental Insurance Include:

Personal choice of Dentist Coverage for preventative dental care Individualized plans available

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